Thursday, August 27, 2015

No more arbit news!

We read newspapers. It is sometimes difficult to read news everyday. We tend to scan and choose the important ones or relevant ones, on account of less time to read in our everyday schedule. On some days, we don't have the time or the inclination to even take the newspaper in our hands. I have been a victim of this on several occasions.
This blog is going to cater to people who want to catch up on certain news. My interests are Economics, Banking, Finance, Entertainment and Social issues. The intention is to maintain a regular blog of certain interesting news in a chronologically arranged manner.
Every news will have an individual post. The respective posts will be continuously updated. If something new catches my fancy, a post will be started about that too. Conscious efforts will be taken to use reliable sources to update the blog. You are all welcome to give your inputs only if you are willing to use reliable sources.
No news is interesting without the comments of the readers. So comments are definitely welcome. But, make sure you do not end up using offensive, abusive, derogatory language about anything/anyone on my blog.

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